Master the art of public speaking with TED Masterclass

Take the first step towards mastering the art of public speaking by checking out TED Masterclass, TED’s newest mobile app:

— At TED, we’re passionate about public speaking. Whether from a stage, over a podcast, in a classroom or at your workplace — learning how to effectively share your best ideas creates opportunities for both you and your audience. TED Masterclass features a beautifully animated 11-lesson course, choice TED Talks that model the concepts covered in each lesson, and a continuous flow of exclusive insights from TED’s speaker coaching team. Learn how to identify, develop and share your best ideas in the form of TED-style Talks.

If you’re on a smartphone, you can download the mobile app and preview every lesson in the course for free. And if you decide to purchase the full course, all proceeds will support the work of TED’s global education initiative, TED-Ed.

The Super Mario Effect - Tricking Your Brain into Learning More | Mark Rober | TEDxPenn

When 50,000 of Mark Robers 3 million YouTube subscribers participated in a basic coding challenge, the data all pointed to what Rober has dubbed the Super Mario Effect. The YouTube star and former NASA engineer describes how this data-backed mindset for life gamification has stuck with him along his journey, and how it impacts the ways he helps (or tricks) his viewers into learning science, engineering, and design. Mark Rober has made a career out of engineering, entertainment, and education. After completing degrees in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University and the University of Southern California, Rober joined NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2004. In his nine years as a NASA engineer, seven of which were on the Mars rover Curiosity team, Rober worked on both the Descent Stage (the jet pack that lowered the Rover to the surface) and some hardware on the Rover top deck for collecting samples. In 2011, Rober’s iPad-based Halloween costume helped launch both his creative costume company, Digital Dudz, and his YouTube channel, which now boasts 3 million subscribers and 400 million views. His videos focus on creative ideas and science- and engineering-based pranks and activities. Rober is a regular guest on «Jimmy Kimmel Live!». Today, he does research and development work for a large technology company in Northern California, where he lives with his wife and son. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How bleeding on the paper Changed My Life | Farhat Ali Khan | TEDxGGSIPU

At different points in time, we have all found ourselves stuck in a situation we’re unable to get out of. Some people emerge victoriously and exemplifying this victory we have Mr. Farhat Ali Khan. Now a successful writer, but he was not an easy path. His ability to find inspiration in the little things in life which would blend into the background by the normal eye gave him the kickstart.
Even with his knack for poetry, it didn’t come to him in the first go. It was only after the loss of his loved ones, that his pain bled through the paper to create poetry which went on to be a published book. But at no point did he look back, and slowly he had a grip on his life again, with a plethora of newer and bigger opportunities in front of him.
Just at the young age of 19, Mr. Farhat Ali Khan has successfully published his debut poetry book, “COLORS” and his latest book — “Midnight Hues” is Amazon’s #1 Best Selling Poetry Book. With lots of enthusiasm, Mr. Farhat Ali Khan brings in the required energy in the room and leaves people with thoughts colliding, forming something new, something magnificent!
An actor, author, theater artist, and writer, Farhat Ali Khan was born and brought up in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and now, hes further completing his studies in India from Jamia Millia Islamia.

His acting debut was in Doordarshan in 2015 for the serial, «Adhikar» and is a theatre actor. He has performed 3 plays including one at Jamia Hamdard for Jashn-e-Adab. Just at the young age of 19, he has successfully published his debut poetry book, “COLORS” and his latest book — “Midnight Hues” is Amazon’s #1 Best Selling Poetry Book! Even while pursuing his graduation, he has actively participated in societies like Enactus and represented his college at the National level. Being a strongly opinionated person, he has always been at the forefront and worked with organizations like UMEED NGO to bring light to issues of the underprivileged. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Как отняли мою мечту и как я ее вернула | Zaure Rozmat | TEDxAbayStWomen

Легко ли разводиться в 19 лет? Зауре в своей речи рассказывает про тяжелый опыт жизни, который дал ей толчок осознать всю свою внутреннюю силу.


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Hows your social health? Lets test it. | Dr. Chelsea Shields | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Weve all heard of physical and mental health, but another important aspect to our overall health and wellbeing is social health. In fact, recently in the United States, the surgeon general revealed that social isolation and loneliness just topped obesity to claim second place as one of the top three killers in America.

Humans are highly social creatures, but that doesnt always mean that our social interactions are healthy. In this informative talk, Dr. Chelsea Shields, explains how our emotions can easily be high-jacked and then offers guidance on how to evaluate and level up our social health.

This presentation was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with only a limited live audience of cast and crew members. While applause has been added to the beginning and end of the video, all other aspects have intentionally remained as filmed to honor the struggle and loss experienced globally during 2020.

Wardrobe furnished by Tommaso Cardullo. Dr. Chelsea Shields is a bio-social anthropologist, placebo studies expert, and runs a local consulting business.

In her academic work, Dr. Shields focuses on the evolution and elicitation of the placebo effect outside medical contexts. She coined the concept of social susceptibility to talk about how and why our human bodies have evolved to react, adjust, and adapt to specific social rituals, relationships and communities. Her work also investigates the evolutionary mismatch of modern human hyper-sociality and the health implications of a global, digital, 24/7 social network.

In her professional work, Shields runs a research and strategy business that specializes in qualitative, quantitative, and ethnographic research as well as creative ideation, branding, and user-experience design.

Dr. Shields is also a TED Fellow, 3x TED speaker, and teaches speaker training that is focused on the 90% of communication we never talk about: the non-verbals! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Андрей Бебуришвили о Пако, ориентации, дикпиках, девушках на ночь и шоу «Холостяк» // А поговорить?

❗Скидка 70% на чай Curtis и возможность выиграть ТОПОВЫЙ СМАРТФОН ищи по ссылке: Не упусти шанс!

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00:00 — Вступление
01:18 — Откуда взялся Пако?
06:33 — О рассылке дикпиков
11:41 — О разнице между сексом по любви и сексом ради секса
13:13 — О плюсах холостяцкой и семейной жизни
15:23 — О гомофобии
18:55 — Откуда пошли разговоры про ориентацию?
20:43 — В каком состоянии легче шутить?
22:49 — О любви русского Youtube к «мясу» и «крови»
28:05 — Что ты чувствуешь, когда в «Прожарке» говоришь человеку правду в глаза?
29:40 — Кого «прожаривать» было сложнее всего?
34:02 — О проблеме «актуального» юмора
36:55 — Есть ли страх из-за собственных шуток?
39:20 — О главной проблеме русского зрителя
44:55 — Об отказе от карьеры врача и жизни в тени дедушки
47:42 — О конфликтах и разводе родителей
53:51 — О переживаниях из-за неудач
57:07 — Когда ты в последний раз говорил себе, что ты полное гавно?
1:00:30 — О том, почему не называет имени своей девушки

Ирина Шихман берет эксклюзивные интервью у самых неожиданных гостей! А поговорить?..


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За логотипом и фирменным стилем к Борису Казачкову

Дина Рубина. Как переехать в Израиль и остаться русским писателем? // А поговорить?..

Патефон — аудиокниги по подписке. Первые 7 дней бесплатно
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Лия Ахеджакова: «Возраст — это такая сволочь» // «Скажи Гордеевой»

Моцарелла, рикотта, маскарпоне и другие сыры Unagrande с полным составом на лицевой части упаковки.

Великая российская актриса Лия Ахеджакова — об Эфросе, Волчек, Виктюке, Могучем, Серебренникове, Рязанове и Германе. И о том, почему ей не удалось сыграть роли, о которых она мечтала, — в новом выпуске #скажигордеевой

Катерина Гордеева —

Медуза —

Большое спасибо БДТ им. Г.А. Товстоногова и Театру Наций за предоставленные фотографии и видеозаписи спектаклей

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#медуза #ахеджакова


00:00 «Биографические книжки?» — «А на хрена они нужны»
2:41 Ведет ли Ахеджакова дневник
4:28 Что такое 1990-е
6:13 Что было с Ахеджаковой во время изоляции
9:19 Актерская зависимость
12:45 Что такое смерть
15:05 «Я не очень коллективный человек»
19:44 Реклама
22:14 «Не нужны мне ни цветные металлы, ни золото»
23:46 «Я человек непоющий»
26:39 «Ваша миссия — играть пионеров»
32:00 Тюзовская актриса в «Современнике»
35:20 О Виктюке
36:18 «В 36 лет бабушек играла»
37:43 «У меня масса недостатков, чтобы быть актрисой»
38:30 Чем хороший режиссер отличается от плохого
39:30 О Рязанове
41:58 «Я не охоча до наград»
44:53 Семь российских режиссеров, у которых хотела бы сняться Ахеджакова
47:12 Что такое востребованность
50:52 Письмо Сталину
53:21 Об Ахматовой, Раневской и Маньяни
57:26 «Где настоящий театр, а где фуфло»
1:01:51 «Творчество опережает время»
1:05:19 «Стабильность проклятая»
1:10:18 Блиц
1:11:38 Что такое возраст

Лекция «Высоцкий как еврей» | Дмитрий Быков

Новую встречу, посвященную жизни Владимира Высоцкого и анализу его эпохи, проведет писатель, поэт и публицист Дмитрий Быков. Тема «Высоцкий как еврей» настраивает на интеллектуальные спекуляции сомнительного толка, но еврейская роль в России шире собственно «еврейского вопроса». Еврей – это и образ чужака, и олицетворение корпоративной солидарности, и персонаж, наделённый вечной скептической иронией, и интеллигент, и революционер, и враг народа, и что-то вроде его домашнего любимца.

По словам Дмитрия Быкова, все это не столько смешно, не столико неприятно, сколько трагично, и именно трагедией была судьба Высоцкого в России. А вопрос о том, как сам он относился к своим еврейским генам и как приспосабливал их к своей советской судьбе, и станет предметом нашего рассмотрения.

Лектор: Дмитрий Быков – писатель, поэт и публицист, литературный критик, радио- и телеведущий, кинокритик. Лауреат литературных премий «Большая книга», «Национальный бестселлер». Автор проектов «Гражданин поэт», «Сто лекций с Дмитрием Быковым», «Все было».