How to Talk Like a Native Speaker | Marc Green | TEDxHeidelberg

Marc talked about the process of learning a foreign language and the different levels of fluency. He will show that there is a higher realm of language proficiency and explain what it takes to reach this “native” point where the benefits far surpass mere communication skills. Marc’s passion is the study of languages, their manifestation in local dialects, as well as their expression in poetry and folkloric song. He has acquired a near-native proficiency in six languages and their sub-forms and has given various musical performances. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Super Mario Effect - Tricking Your Brain into Learning More | Mark Rober | TEDxPenn

When 50,000 of Mark Robers 3 million YouTube subscribers participated in a basic coding challenge, the data all pointed to what Rober has dubbed the Super Mario Effect. The YouTube star and former NASA engineer describes how this data-backed mindset for life gamification has stuck with him along his journey, and how it impacts the ways he helps (or tricks) his viewers into learning science, engineering, and design. Mark Rober has made a career out of engineering, entertainment, and education. After completing degrees in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University and the University of Southern California, Rober joined NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2004. In his nine years as a NASA engineer, seven of which were on the Mars rover Curiosity team, Rober worked on both the Descent Stage (the jet pack that lowered the Rover to the surface) and some hardware on the Rover top deck for collecting samples. In 2011, Rober’s iPad-based Halloween costume helped launch both his creative costume company, Digital Dudz, and his YouTube channel, which now boasts 3 million subscribers and 400 million views. His videos focus on creative ideas and science- and engineering-based pranks and activities. Rober is a regular guest on «Jimmy Kimmel Live!». Today, he does research and development work for a large technology company in Northern California, where he lives with his wife and son. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge

What does make us change our actions? Tali Sharot reveals three ingredients to doing whats good for yourself.

Dr. Tali Sharot is a neuroscientist at University College London and the director of the Affective Brain Lab. She is a faculty member of the department of Experimental Psychology, a Wellcome Trust Fellow, and currently a visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School. Her research focuses on how emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Mindset is Everything | Cole Bennett | TEDxUIUC

Cole Bennett came up with the idea for Lyrical Lemonade while still in High School. Through his talk, he walks through what it took to grow Lyrical Lemonade into what it is today along with how he navigated the music world. His talk emphasizes why having a passion for what you do can change the game and bring you success no matter the obstacle. As CEO of Lyrical Lemonade, Cole Bennett has produced some of hip hop’s most viewed videos. Entrepreneur Cole Bennett is not afraid to confront risks to move ideas and creative expression forward. Growing up in Plano IL, Cole enjoyed bringing ideas to life. Whether, creating comics or making skits with friends, he always loved to create. At 17 years old and a senior in high school, Cole produced his first music video. Discovering this deep passion, he founded Lyrical Lemonade while still in high school. After graduation, Cole moved to Chicago to attend DePaul University and further chase his dreams for Lyrical Lemonade. Cole’s dreams quickly became an undeniable reality that led him to dropout of college. His imprint, Lyrical Lemonade, is now a multi-faceted company that specializes in visual content, live events, high demand merchandise and more. At the age of 22, Cole has now directed over 300 music videos for some of the most influential artists that have amassed over 2.8 billion views. Cole has been featured in major publications such as Rolling Stone, Forbes, XXL, and Billboard Magazine. As the Summer approaches, Bennett is exploring another adventure — preparing to enter the beverage business with his very own lemonade. The lemonade launch is just in time for the second annual Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash, a hip hop music festival expected to bring together 20,000 people in Douglas Park, Chicago. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How bleeding on the paper Changed My Life | Farhat Ali Khan | TEDxGGSIPU

At different points in time, we have all found ourselves stuck in a situation we’re unable to get out of. Some people emerge victoriously and exemplifying this victory we have Mr. Farhat Ali Khan. Now a successful writer, but he was not an easy path. His ability to find inspiration in the little things in life which would blend into the background by the normal eye gave him the kickstart.
Even with his knack for poetry, it didn’t come to him in the first go. It was only after the loss of his loved ones, that his pain bled through the paper to create poetry which went on to be a published book. But at no point did he look back, and slowly he had a grip on his life again, with a plethora of newer and bigger opportunities in front of him.
Just at the young age of 19, Mr. Farhat Ali Khan has successfully published his debut poetry book, “COLORS” and his latest book — “Midnight Hues” is Amazon’s #1 Best Selling Poetry Book. With lots of enthusiasm, Mr. Farhat Ali Khan brings in the required energy in the room and leaves people with thoughts colliding, forming something new, something magnificent!
An actor, author, theater artist, and writer, Farhat Ali Khan was born and brought up in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and now, hes further completing his studies in India from Jamia Millia Islamia.

His acting debut was in Doordarshan in 2015 for the serial, «Adhikar» and is a theatre actor. He has performed 3 plays including one at Jamia Hamdard for Jashn-e-Adab. Just at the young age of 19, he has successfully published his debut poetry book, “COLORS” and his latest book — “Midnight Hues” is Amazon’s #1 Best Selling Poetry Book! Even while pursuing his graduation, he has actively participated in societies like Enactus and represented his college at the National level. Being a strongly opinionated person, he has always been at the forefront and worked with organizations like UMEED NGO to bring light to issues of the underprivileged. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Просто скажи "да" | Гузель Санжапова | TEDxSadovoeRing

Пять лет назад Гузель Санжапова основала медовое производство в родной деревне своей бабушки — Малый Турыш, где на 50 жителей не было никакой работы, а сегодня продукты, созданные в этой деревне, продаются в крупных розничных сетях.

Проект Гузель — это показательный пример социального бизнеса, направленный на решение насущных задач в регионах.

Гузель Санжапова — социальный предприниматель и автор нескольких успешных проектов на базе краудфандинга. Мечтает о том, чтобы наши деревни развивались и становились комфортными для жизни.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Смелость быть отцом | Гульнар Тындыбаева | TEDxAlmaty

В своей истории Гульнар, успешная предпринимательница, делится своим необычным опытом, а вернее опытом своего отца, который в одиночку воспитал троих детей. Смелость отца натолкнула Гульнар на мысль о разнице материнского и отцовского подходов.

Соучредитель первого казахстанского fashion и lifestyle интернет-портала, а также соучредитель первого казахстанского вебсайта для женщин Вот уже 10 лет работает в сфере управления проектами. Благодаря своей профессиональной деятельности, Гульнар можно смело назвать opinion лидером в таких областях как мода и красота.

Она была одной из участников проекта от Burberry London, который назывался Art of Trench, вошла в список 50 самых влиятельных людей в модной индустрии Казахстана.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Как отняли мою мечту и как я ее вернула | Zaure Rozmat | TEDxAbayStWomen

Легко ли разводиться в 19 лет? Зауре в своей речи рассказывает про тяжелый опыт жизни, который дал ей толчок осознать всю свою внутреннюю силу.


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala

Каждый человек может стать психологически устойчивым, но большинство не знает как.

Мы часто интересуемся тем, как развить физическую силу или улучшить физическое здоровье, и гораздо реже задумываемся о силе духа или психическом здоровье.
Но существуют упражнения, с помощью которых мы можем научиться контролировать свои мысли, управлять своими эмоциями и оставаться продуктивными вне зависимости от обстоятельств. Это три главных фактора психологической устойчивости. Выработка силы духа — залог успеха вне зависимости от того, каких целей вы хотите достичь.

Эми Морин — лицензированный клинический социальный работник и психотерапевт. С 2002 года она занимается консультированием детей, подростков и взрослых. Она также работает адъюнкт-преподавателем психологии.

Это выступление записано на мероприятии TEDx, независимо организованном местным сообществом с использованием формата конференций TED. Узнайте больше на

Не заводите детей | Анна Титович | TEDxMahilyow

«Мы производим детей на свет и калечим их по своему образу и подобию» (А. и Б. Стругацкие)

Провокационное название выступления Анны Титович – не призыв к child-free образу жизни. Наоборот, Анна поделится своим взглядом на то, что такое «правильные» родители.

В последние годы Анна работала руководителем в информационных и коммерческих онлайн-проектах в сферах дизайна и строительства, предпринимателем, редактором журнала, аналитиком, маркетологом, преподавателем.

Когда в 2013 году Анна готовилась стать мамой, ее приоритеты и ценности сместились в сторону проблем общества и, в частности, молодых родителей и их детей. В 2015 году Анна стала социальным предпринимателем, понимая, что предпринимательский образ мысли может помочь не только создавать самодостаточные проекты, но и помочь в решении проблем общества.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at