Ты не бойся, мне ведь не 15, ухожу я профессионально

Ты не бойся, я уйду неслышно-
Ты не станешь от меня усталым.
Взяв мобильник с туфлями подмышку,
Выйду из подъезда и растаю.

Люди существуют параллельно,
Людям не нужны пересеченья,
Ты не бойся, я уйду мгновенно.
Дважды не войду в твое теченье.

Я не буду по телам скитаться,
От раската реплики финальной.
Ты не бойся, мне ведь не пятнадцать-
Ухожу я профессионально!!!

СОЛА МОНОВА • Концерт в Питере. Любимые стихи и премьеры!

Ближайший концерт Солы в Питере 13 ноября 2020 в «Колизей Арена». Билеты на сайте solaconcert.ru

А этот концерт был снят в Театре Эстрады им.Райкина 19 ноября 2018 года.

Приятного просмотра!; )


Открывай для себя Россию, отправляйся в захватывающее путешествие этой зимой, подробности тут: clck.ru/SXpFL

Поэтесса Юлия Соломонова (Сола Монова) о современной поэзии, стихах на злобу дня, силе интернета, вдохновении, муках творчества, мудаках, женщинах и мужчинах.




#Соломонова #СолаМонова

TEDxPerm - Tatiana Chernigovskaya - 9/11/09

Татьяна Черниговская«Почему изучение мозга займет центральное место в 21 веке?» // Tatiana Chernigovskaya «Why will the studies of brain take center stage in the 21st century?

About TEDx, x=independently organize event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self- organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized

events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*

(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Nostalgia | Lene Marie Fossen

Lene Marie Fossen
in conversation with Morten Krogvold
Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold
Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities. Krogvold and Lene Marie Fossen joined the TEDxArendal stage in a conversation at TEDxArendal 2017.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx
For more news and about our TEDxArendal events, please visit www.tedxarendal.com.

This is one of 27 TEDx talks and performances from the TEDxArendal Conference September 8th and 9th 2017, where leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Follow TEDxArendal on Instagram: www.instagram.com/TEDxArendal and news on Twitter: www.twitter.com/TEDxArendal Like TEDxArendal on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tedxarendal

Kategori Ideelt arbeid og aktivisme

Lisens Standard YouTube-lisens Lene Marie Fossen decided to stop time 20 years ago. She was then 10 years old, and stopped eating. Her personal story is unfortunately relevant and concerns many.

Today Lene Marie uses photography as her way out of the disease. She is self-taught – and has a unique talent. Lene Marie creates soulful portraits, including victims of the refugee crisis on the island of Chios in Greece. She is best known for her beautiful and revealing self-portraits.

Morten Krogvold is a Norwegian photographer and lecturer, especially known for his portrait of artists, writers, politicians, and other celebrities.

He will join speaker Lene Marie Fossen on stage, in conversation about photography and life. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Planting The Art | Haidy Mousa | TEDxFalakiStreet

The young researcher, Heidi Taqi El Din Moussa, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, won the Best Scientific Research Presentation Award — Youth Category — President of the International Mediterranean Forum for Renewable Energy and Green Buildings MED Green Forum 2019 — University of Florence, Italy, which was held at the University of Florence in Florence. (The Renaissance City and Michelangelo) in Italy from 2 to 6 September 2019, in the presence of more than 115 international delegations from all over the world, representing 27 Egyptian promoting countries. Architect who build up my knowledge in many topics and in different directions.

Team leader of a multi-discipline international team. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx